The Fontanili Garden
Sardegna, Italy
"A garden with water and flowers between oaks and granite"
Planted in 2012 to Maurizio Usai’s design, this garden has matured quickly and it is now well integrated into the surrounding landscape of northern Sardinia, characterised as it is by granitic rocks, dry stone walls and Cork Oaks.
The garden, which contains a rich botanical collection, a vegetable plot and a ‘restored’ vineyard, was designed to fulfil the passion of the owner, to maximise the benefits of the local climate and to provide interest in all seasons.
The rich and flamboyant planting in the garden is balanced by hard landscape materials which are in tune with local traditions.
The theme of water is prominent in the garden, in which a stream flows down through seven pools and in its journey connects with the garden ambientations, from the agricultural area at the top to the loose naturalistic marquise at the bottom.